For IIT aspirants who have cleared JEE (Advanced) 2023, the IIT Gandhinagar is conducting a virtual JEE Open House 2023 at https://iitgn.ac.in/openhouse/ on Wednesday. The event will include sessions with the Director, Deans of Academic and Student Affairs, Heads of Counseling and Career Development Services.
It provides an opportunity for prospective students and their parents to interact with the faculty, students, and alumni of IIT Gandhinagar virtually.
Students will be able to learn about the Institute and its innovative academic programmes including double major and dual degree programmes, liberal policy for branch or programme change, scholarships and financial support.
The Institute is starting a new B.Tech programme in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the academic year 2023-24 and commencing BTech-MTech Dual Degree in Mechanical Engineering. With this, the Institute has added about 80 new seats in the undergraduate programmes.